Sunday, September 16, 2012


I am still in the rough design stage of this blog, but it is a start. I hope that this blog will be a wonderful link and sort of a memory book between our families. I will do my best to regularly post pictures and little updates so that you can see how our little beauty is doing. When I say "our", I hope that you know that I mean all of us. Steven and I really believe that adoption is the process of creating a family out strangers to raise up someone beautiful! That is why I titled this blog bringing up beautiful. Whether there are those who want to remain hidden for now,or those who want to be known, we are all still connected by this little one and that makes us family.

We truly feel so blessed to be able to adopt, but also to love someone so much that we want to burst. Struggling for years with infertility has been heart breaking, but I also feel that it has created in us the deepest sense of gratitude and passion for our kids. Shiloh is the most amazing blessing that we have ever known and I know that this little one will be the same. I think about her so much that I cry sometimes. We may not be millionaires or drive fancy cars, but we feel like it when we look into our daughter's eyes.

I pray that though this little one's story may not begin like most, that she will find her life filled with love, purpose and hope. That she will see that we all did everything to bring up someone beautiful~